It's the time of the rose. For so many herbalists, the rose is special. And I love it too. I make rose pastilles, teas, honeys and syrups. And they're all yummy.
But this year, I veered off track.
My whole homestead is filled with the fragrance of orange blossom right now. I'm not sure there's a headier scent on the planet. So, as I was filling my jars with rose petals and honey, I added an extra jar, this one filled with orange blossoms. And oh my goodness.....
And the result really goes beyond my wildest dreams. This is a very strongly scented honey, (even more so than the lovely rose...). Although litrature suggests that the orange blossom is calming and cooling and used for anxiety and insomnia, I'm finding that there are some aphrodesiac qualities to the brew. I can't decide if I should eat it or just rub it all over someone and lick it off!
It seems like there's a lot more going on there than just....relaxation.
And it's just about the yummiest stuff to come outta my kitchen in a long while!